Nokia 6303c Buzzer, Ringer Speaker Solution - Tracks and Jumper Ways

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This is the Nokia 6303 classic solution for not working IHF or buzzer speaker problem. The solution below provides the connection line paths of the speaker on the 6303c PCB board.

This solution may help after you already confirmed that the speaker seems working and or already tried replacing it but still you can't hear any tones, or ringtones on the device.

nokia 6303 Buzzer speaker jumper ways tracks picture
If the IHF speaker is working, you may first visually check the speaker terminal spring connectors, ensure that it still  properly aligned and in good solder, clean it if there is an oxidation build up found.
Check the filter coils, replace if found damaged. Then trace each of the Speaker positive and negative connection. The audio signals is feeds from the power management IC, there is a possibility that lack of audio sound signal on the speaker is cause by a faulty chip... a re-hot or re-working it might only fix the problem.

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