Nokis 6710 USB Device Not Detected Solution

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Here's the solution for Nokia 6710 navigator USB not detected problem. If trying to connect the device to personal computer but the PC won't detect the phone anyhow, this solution might possibly help fix the problem.

If encountered and trying to fix this problem, you may first check the USB pin connector for possible damaged, dirt and oxidation build up. Then proceed to check each of the particular components showed on the solution below for further troubleshooting.

Nokia 6710 USB Connection Not Detected Solution
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There are few tiny chip components that may need to be check first, such as the chip fuse, chip diode, filter coils and capacitors. Just replace it found damaged. If all of these components seems all working, you may then proceed to check, rework or replace the corresponding IC components such as the USB VBUS voltage controller chip and the USB transceiver IC.

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