Nokia 6710 Numeric Keypad Solution

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Here's the solution for Nokia 6710 navigator with NUMERIC keypad not working problem.
This solution shows the connection line paths of each certain keypad keys including the keypad filter IC for easy repair and troubleshooting.

If ever one or more of the keypad keys like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, 0 or space and # are not working, you may just refer this solution below for quick guide on tracing and fixing it.

Nokia 6710 Navigator Keypad Solution
nokia 6710s keypad IC jumper ways tracks
 You may also check and ensure that the keypad pin connector is not damaged and is free from dirt and oxidation build up.
There are two EMI-ESD filter chip is being used in the circuit, you may replace these component if a lot of keypad keys doesn't work.

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