Nokia E50 Solutions Packed in one download. Hardware solution for Nokia E55 mobile phones, this enclosed following picture repair guide: E50...
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Nokia E66 repair solution guides
This pack is enclosed a repair guides for some nokia e66. Hardware Repair Solutions for Nokia E66 Hardware solution for Nokia E66 mobile pho...
Nokia E55 Solution pack download
This pack is enclosed of some nokia e55 repair guides. Nokia E55 Hardware Repair Solutions Hardware solution for Nokia E55 mobile phones, th...
Nokia 5130 LCD Display jumper ways solution
Here's the LCD Display line paths tracing guide for heavy a and deep troubleshooting Nokia 5130 LCD Screen Display problem such white sc...
Nokia 5130 keypad solution, keys and switches connection tracing guide for repair
Here's the Nokia 5130 complete keypad solution, this solution shows each certain keypad key connections including the button switches su...
5130 insert Sim Card Problem solution
Here's the full tracing line paths for repairing Nokia 5130 xpressmusic Insert sim card problem. This solution shows the primary tracks ...
5130 Earpiece, Hands free and Ringer Speaker Solution
Here's the solution may help to fix and repair Nokia 5130 xpressmusic hands free speaker and ringtone ringer speaker failure. this repai...
5130 mic problem repair solution
This solution guide may help repair Nokia 5130 mouthpiece microphone failure. The components highlighted on a picture is where the microphon...
Not charging solution for Nokia 5130
For a charger no response or indication when the battery charger is plug in to the nokia 5130 device, this solution may help solve the probl...
Solution pack for Nokia 5130 Xpressmusic hardware repair.
An example of this solution picture below is for memory card problem repair guide. Nokia 5130 MMC memory card solution This solution packed ...
Nokia 5530 not charging and Charger not supported
Here's the solution for Charging problem such as not charging and charger not supported for Nokia 5530 xpressmusic. this solution sh...
5610 keypad and switch button failure solution
Here's the solution that covers Nokia 5610 Xpressmusic keypad malfunction and switches button failure like the Camera and volume control...
hands free speaker failure solutions for Nokia 5610
The IHF speaker is more important part on the device since it is built and designed for playing and hearing music. This is the solution that...
Nokia 5610 hardware repair solutions pack in software
Download this solution pack for Nokia 5610 hardware damaged repair, just like this picture below that shows a particular component that migh...
nokia 7510s led back light failure on LCD screen display and keypad solution
A failure of LED backlight on the LCD screen module will result to a black or dark screen display. This solution shows the components of an ...
Keypad connections on Nokia 7510 supernova
here's the solution for nokia 7510s keypad problems. This solution shows the complete connection of each keypad keys for easy tracing an...
Display filter IC on Nokia 7510s - for Display problem solution
Here's the solution that shows the internal solder ball bumps connection on Nokia 7510 supernova. This may help as guide to repair Nokia...
Nokia 5610 Display Solution - Hardware repair
If you ever already been tried to replace a new replacement LCD screen and new flex cable wire and nothng happens but the display problem s...
Nokia 6220 classic hardware problem solutions
The Nokia 6220c solutions for hardware problem related issues when damaged. This solution covers and shows the hints for hardware troublesho...
Microphone Failure solution on 7510s
Here's brief solution for a hardware relalated microphone failure on Nokia 7510s. this solution simply shows the location of microphone ...